Ministry 2021

Boulder CO.

OCT 2021

My Friend Philip cordinated with a few local churches where him, I and the congregation went and did street evangelism and worship on Halloween. We saw about 30 salvations with was good. We did not get to talk to as many people as we wanted as there was an active shooter situation still at large in the are and people were not really wanting to stop and talk.

Prayer Booth.

Tulsa State Oct 2021

I prayed with around 700 people through 11 days of the state fair. It was long, existing and 100% worth while. There were many stories I heard of peoples pain and suffering. Prayer brought so much love and life to people hearts in those moments. I have always wanted God to use me as a vessel for His healing power to come through and for the first time it happened at the fair. We saw 8 healings in peoples bodies over the 11 days.

Washington DC

June 24th-27th 2021

We had a great trip where we saw over 50 salvations. It was an amazing time. We witnessed in front of the White House. I got to talk about Jesus to a group of 50 Muslims about Jesus being the son of God. We worshiped at BLM plaza, Lincoln Memorial, and many other places while also talking to others about Jesus.

Tent Revival in Tulsa.

April 2021

I worked with Christian Adventures and God’s Shining Light Church to have a week long tent revival. We saw many healings and salvations in that week. What was really a blessing was to see peoples joy from volunteering. A lot of people who came from the prison system or drug abuse. To see them learn that God loves them and wants to use them for His work was an amazing experience to watch them see value in themselves through Jesus.

Thanksgiving outreach.

We served 200 thanksgiving meals for families in low income housing. We also put on a small carnival for the children.

Mobile truck free prayer booth.

Over the last 3 years of doing a prayer booth we have prayed with over 10,000 individuals and have seen around 600 salvations.

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